| 1. | He wanted to increase international understanding and friendship through educational , cultural , and humanitarian activities 他希望,通过加强国际教育、文化和人道主义活动增加了解和友好。 |
| 2. | I am very pleased and grateful to acknowledge receipt of your second remittance for usd 50 , 000 , which helps finance the humanitarian activities of the international committee of the red cross in the balkans 很高兴也很感激收到您第二笔美金五万元的捐款。这笔钱将用于资助红十字国际委员会在巴尔干半岛的救援活动。 |
| 3. | These web sites , offered in a variety of language options , contain excerpts from master s publications and news of her artistic and humanitarian activities . master s buddha chanting , songs , and poetry can be enjoyed as well . if you go to 这些不同语言的网站里还提供有关师父的各种出版品艺术创作和慈善活动的部份精选,您还可以在线上聆听师父的佛赞歌曲诗作等。 |
| 4. | I have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your remittance of usd 50 , 000 - representing a donation from the supreme master ching hai international association towards the humanitarian activities of the international committee of the red cross in favor of the refugees from kosovo 我很高兴收到清海无上师世界会汇来的美金五万元,供国际红十字会帮助从科索沃出来的难民。 |
| 5. | Sales from her artistic endeavors have enabled master ching hai to create an independent source of funding for humanitarian activities , highlighting her noble love for all children of god and our responsibility to those who are less fortunate than we are 清海师父用这些艺术创作的收入从事慈善工作,从这里我们可以见到她对所有上帝的小孩的爱,以及我们对其他较不幸的兄弟姊妹的责任。 |
| 6. | Through her social and humanitarian activities , i see that supreme master ching hai has made immense contributions almost everywhere . from the united states to au lac , at any place where disaster has stricken , her presence has alleviated the suffering of victims 从清海无上师在社会与人道方面的善行,我看到了她在各方面的诸多贡献,从美国到悠乐,任何灾难发生的地方,只要有她的帮助,便大大地减轻了灾民的不幸。 |
| 7. | I have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your remittance of usd49 , 985 . - chf 75 , 102 , 46 representing a donation from the supreme master ching hai international association towards the humanitarian activities of the international committee of the red cross in favour of the famine victims in sudan 瑞士国际红十字会感谢函感谢收到清海无上师世界会,针对红十字会国际委员会援助苏丹饥荒灾民的人道活动,所捐赠的49 , 985美金汇款。 |
| 8. | Posters at hsihu s ching hai day celebration record master s recent humanitarian activities around the world . posters hanging from banyan trees lined the path from the main gate to the zigzag bridge . these posters recorded master s worldwide charitable acts since 1990 , footnoted with letters of appreciation from the relevant governments and organizations 从大门口到九曲桥之间的两旁榕树上悬挂著一排海报,记录著从1990年至今,师父在世界各地从事人道关怀的善行义举,并附有各国政府或相关单位致赠的感谢状影本。 |
| 9. | On saturday , february 1 , 2003 , the first day of the city s chinese new year festival , initiates from the montreal center held a humanitarian activity to express our compassionate and generous master s undying interest in the well - being of the homeless , by distributing her donation of us 3000 在2003年2月1日大年初一当天,蒙特利尔小中心的同修聚一堂,举办一系列的爱心活动,将师父慈悲慷慨捐献的三千美元,分发给蒙特利尔地区的穷人及游民,以传达师父对游民不渝的关爱。 |
| 10. | Followers of different faiths are strongly attracted by master ching hai s teachings , and she is a merciful and loving example to disciples : like mother teresa known for her loving actions , master ching hai has conducted numerous humanitarian activities around the world without ever seeking anything in return 除此之外,清海无上师更是弟子们心目中慈悲和爱心的典范,她以身体力行,就像泰瑞莎修女在世时的爱心事迹一般,清海无上师在世界各地所从事的人道关怀,也完全不求回报。 |